Hey, I just booked our flights using all frequent flyer miles to go to the tropical dance vacation in St. Croix for a week with Wild Asparagus and George Marshall in Feb. 2009 to celebrate Peter's 60th birthday and which will occur while we are there on Feb. 10. It also happens to be our 30th anniversary year.
One more round of Florida palm trees and a beech walk since there is still snow in our yard.
yay, congratulations!! that's so exciting!
Olive is in the tub eating ice cream listening to me read your blog archives out loud. Peter is turning 60?! And it's been 30 years since we stood out in the green grass and celebrated your wedding?! That's something. Olive says to tell you that she listens to your CD's everyday. Her favorites are Bob a Needle and ....the whole All I Really Need CD.
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